About The Site

The blog.improv-design blog is maintained by Dr. Susan Gasson, Associate Professor Emerita of Information Science & Technology at Drexel University, Philadelphia PA.  The content is driven by a fascination with how we approach the co-design of business and IT systems, especially how we solve wicked problems. Wicked problems consist of a series of interrelated problems. They cannot be defined objectively because how they are defined depends on the eye of the beholder (which issues, processes, technologies, and people are included and which are not). So we don’t know how to gauge design progress because we can’t define the design problem until we have solved it. Simple, isn’t it?
Wicked problems are human problems. Even though they tend to involve information technology, they are wicked because they are subjective. Get five people in a room and they will define at least 10 critical problems between them – all of which will be related in some way. My research interest lies in how we get those five people on the same page, to agree problems and design solutions, especially when these involve organizational learning, innovation and change.

Contact Details

Email: sgasson@drexel.edu.
Mastodon:  @sgmax@indieweb.social

Website Copyright Statement
All materials on this site are © Susan Gasson, Improvising Design, 2011-2024.

This website is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC 4.0).

You may download to a local hard disk and print extracts from this blog and website for your personal use only.  You may also recopy downloaded extracts to others provided that such copy is accurate, not misleading, acknowledges Susan Gasson or the Improvising Design website as its source and you do not do so for profit.

Save as expressly permitted above or otherwise expressly agreed in writing, all use and reproduction of any material on this site or any incorporation of the same into any other material, in whatever media or format, is strictly prohibited. Please contact Susan Gasson for permission to use these materials in any other way.